Water Heater Types and Where to Install Them

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You depend on your home’s water heater to supply you with enough hot water for showering, bathing, washing your hands, cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry. There are several types of water heaters, and choosing one can be a challenge. Our team at LeadingEdge Plumbing & Rooter offers these tips on choosing a product for your upcoming water heater replacement in Granada Hills, CA, and deciding where to have our plumbers install it.

Tankless Water Heaters

Tankless water heaters are also called on-demand water heaters. They don’t maintain a supply of hot water. They heat it when you need it. If your household uses a lot of hot water, they are a good choice to meet your needs. Our plumber in Granada Hills, CA installs both gas and electric tankless water heaters.

Best Locations for Tankless Water Heaters

Tankless water heaters don’t need as much space as storage tank water heaters. However, they do need a connection to gas, electricity, and water lines. When you’re considering a tankless water heater in Granada Hills, CA, some good locations for its installation are the laundry room, bathroom, or kitchen.

Storage Tank Water Heaters

When you don’t use a lot of hot water, a storage tank water heater installation in Granada Hills, CA is a cost-effective choice. They hold up to 80 gallons of hot water.

Best Places for Storage Tank Water Heaters

Storage tank water heaters have a greater need for water heater repair in Granada Hills, CA. It’s best to put a storage tank water heater in an easy-to-access area, such as a laundry room, basement, or garage.

LeadingEdge Plumbing & Rooter is the trusted source of water heater services in Granada Hills CA. To learn more about the types of water heaters and their installation options, contact us today.

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