The kitchen is the place that defines the home, the place where nutritious meals are prepared for the whole family, where food is stored, and where everybody gathers at several points during the day. Itโ€™s truly the center of the home and home life.

A typical contemporary residential kitchen is equipped with a stove, a sink that provides hot and cold running water, a refrigerator that may also dispense water, an oven and microwave, a dishwasher, and a variety of additional electrical appliances and gadgets. And one of the components that make the kitchen work the way it does is its appliances, which need electricity, plumbing or both to function properly.

Why do people place so much value in a good kitchen?

These days kitchens have become multifunctional spaces that cater to peopleโ€™s ever-changing lifestyles and include innovative appliances. A home with a good kitchen makes its owners proud of having an area that increases the value of their property. Today, kitchens truly represent the kind of lifestyle people want to live. They have become more open, frequently spilling over into the living zones.

What are the main kitchen plumbing problems?

Problems with plumbing in the kitchen can go from something as small as a clogged kitchen drain to the need to replace your dishwasher. No doubt about it, without proper kitchen plumbing your life would be a lot more inconvenient. And kitchen plumbing problems can quickly wreak havoc on your daily activities.

Sink not working or need a new sink

As one of the most crucial parts of your kitchen plumbing system, your sink needs to always function as you expect it to. After all, it is constantly used not only for washing up but for rinsing and prepping food. Most likely, it is one of the most used plumbing fixtures in your home, whether you cook a lot, bring in take-out food or have food delivered. And, should you need a new sink, at LeadingEdge Plumbing and Rooter, we offer a wide variety of kitchen sinks in the San Fernando Valley, CA, area for installation or replacement and we also take care of all kitchen plumbing repairs your home might need.

Plumbing problems with your faucet

Are you tired of hearing your faucet leak? Do you find that when you open it you donโ€™t get a good amount of water? Have all the members of your family complained that they canโ€™t even wash their hands there before sitting down to have a meal? At LeadingEdge Plumbing and Rooter, we offer a wide range of faucet plumbing solutions in San Fernando Valley, CA, and Nearby Areas. We can fix the faucet you have, provide you a new one if youโ€™re moving into a new home, or replace your existing one with a new model if yours has become unusable. Let us find a solution to your kitchen plumbing repair. Stop putting up with the annoying drip and give us a call today for plumbing services in San Fernando Valley and the surrounding areas.

Garbage disposal not working

If your garbage disposal is not breaking down the food scraps so that they can be disposed of down the drain or if it has died off on you completely and you need a new one installed, we can take care of the problem for you. We offer comprehensive garbage disposal services as part of our kitchen plumbing repair because we know that these implements have become a valuable addition to most kitchens. Let us take care of your garbage disposal unit so that it will continue to serve you as it is intended. Remember that when the garbage disposal doesnโ€™t properly break down the food, it will not only backup your drain but it will cause an awful smell of trash that may permeate your entire home.

Dishwasher giving you a headache

Your dishwasher finishes a cycle and you discover that the tub is still filled with water. You look at your kitchen sink drain and suspect something might be stuck down there. You fear there is a blockage from food remnants. You have had to cancel your dishwasher cycle and start over more than once. If your dishwasher is the cause of all your headaches, relax and call the top plumber in San Fernando Valley, CA, LeadingEdge Plumbing & Rooter. We will get to the root of the problem and have your dishwasher running like new in no time.

Stop any leak

The type of leak you have will determine what kind of kitchen plumbing repair is needed.  When the leak is around the base of the spout, the repair will not be the same as when a spout is dripping. A spout base leakage might be caused by O-rings that have seen better days. The O-ring can be lodged into place pretty good so it may take some determination to remove it, but our team of plumbing professionals will make sure you donโ€™t have to worry about this problem again for a long time.

While many kitchen plumbing repairs can be done by you with the only cost being a replacement part or the energy it takes to tighten a bolt, there are many other repairs that require a plumbing professional. If you find yourself taking care of the same problem time and again, you may need bigger repairs or even a replacement for your kitchen appliances. Protect your investment by having a professional come by and fix the plumbing problem for good. We are a plumbing company that serves the following locations with reliable plumbing repairs and emergency plumbing services:

At LeadingEdge Plumbing and Rooter, Inc., we understand the importance and value of your kitchen. We offer 24/7 emergency services and excellent kitchen plumbing repair and installations throughout the Los Angeles area. Whether you need new tubes and fixtures installed from scratch or your current ones replaced, give us a call. Youโ€™ll be glad you did.

Kitchen sink with running water

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