Faucet Repair in
San Fernando Valley, CA and Nearby Areas
A leaky faucet can cause some serious frustration, and in addition to frustration can lead to some costly water bills because of the increased water flow at all hours of the day and night. The following are some examples of common faucet issues that you may experience in your home or business space, along with some basic repairs that can help you solve these problems without the need of a professional, licensed San Fernando Valley, CA plumber. There are many different things that can go wrong with a faucet, though, even if it may seem like a fairly simple device, meaning that the following fixes may not solve your problem.
Whether you are unable to solve your faucet problems on your own, or if you would like a professional to repair or replace the faulty unit for you, contact the team at LeadingEdge Plumbing as soon as possible to schedule a service call. We will be more than happy to discuss your faucet repair needs with you over the phone, determine the best course of action, and get started right away.

Types of Faucets
There are other, less common types of faucets as well as those listed below, but the following are the most common faucets in a house or commercial space today.
Ball Faucet
A ball faucet is a single-handled faucet, common in kitchen sinks. To open the faucet and determine how hot or cold the water will be, the user pushes the handle back, and either towards the left or right depending on the desired temperature. One of the most common issues with these faucets is that the ball may become loose and it becomes increasingly difficult to fully stop the faucet from running.
Compression Valved Faucet
A compression faucet is a classic faucet, common in bathrooms and washrooms and is a very old design. These types of faucets have a “hot” and “cold” knob to the left and right of the faucet and depending on the desired temperature, the user will open and close each knob in order to get the right mixture of water coming through a compression ring under both knobs. Turning the knobs clockwise will compress the rings and reduce or stop the flow entirely while turning them to the left will reduce compression and allow more water to pass through. These rings can wear out and rot, meaning that the faucet may run even when the knobs are turned all the way to the right.
Ceramic Disk Faucet
A ceramic disk faucet looks pretty similar to a ball faucet, but they are more complex, often more durable, and can provide better pressure and more-evenly mixed water temperatures. In addition, these types of faucets often have a removable nozzle from the end that allows the user to wash dishes in the sink with a moveable sprayer. Repairs to these faucets can be a bit more complicated than a ball faucet in some cases, but typically the biggest problem with these are that the rubber seals along the disk and cartridge wear out and crack, leading to a leaky faucet.

Common Problem with Faucets and Common Solutions
Take a look below to see if any of these issues resemble the problem you are experiencing and read about some common faucet repair techniques. Keep in mind that these are meant to give you an overview of possible solutions, and may not be the exact solution for your own needs. You may need specialized tools for the job, as well.
Faucet Won’t Close Tight
As we alluded to in the section above, there is a specific type of fix for a leaky faucet depending on the style that you have. Typically, it is the rubber o-rings in a faucet that are the first to fail, since they are the most used and worn in the entire unit if it is cared for properly. In order to repair your sink, you will first need to identify the type of faucet you have, as well as the brand and model, so that you can get a list of the tools you will need to disassemble and inspect the unit.
It never hurts to have some of the most commonly replaced parts of your sink on-hand before you disassemble the unit so that if it is the rubber ring or gasket that has worn out, you will be able to make a quick swap and have a functional sink again quickly. Otherwise, you may find yourself taking a few trips to the hardware store to get the right pieces, all while your sink is out of commission.
Sink Slow to Drain
While not exactly a problem with a faucet, a slow drain can make for some serious issues with even a perfectly maintained faucet. There are a variety of different reasons that your sink may be slow to drain, but typically the problem is because of blockage in either the trap or further down the line. In cases where the sink has a garbage disposal attached to it, there may be large deposits of organic waste that have snagged inside the unit or along the drain lines that are leading to a slow, and sometimes smelly, drain.
You can try to clear your trap and pipe with a small snake from a hardware store, but if the blockage is further down the line then you will likely need to call a professional plumber who can use a commercial snake to get all the way to the problem and get your drains back to normal.
Contact leading edge plumbing & rooter
If you need a plumber in San Fernando Valley, CA, contact LeadingEdge Plumbing & Rooter for all of your plumbing repairs and installations. Call us at 888-525-3234 to set an appointment. We’ll be happy to set up an appointment time with you when you need us to take care of any plumbing issue.